Physiotherapy is a term for the branch of health care whose main role is the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders.
Physiotherapy also describes treatment methods that are not associated with the administration of drugs or invasive intervention (such as surgery), but instead rely on direct physical contact or physical modalities.
Physiotherapy Treatments include:
- joint mobilisations and manipulations
- exercise regimes
- advice on the care and prevention of injuries
- electrotherapy - the use of electro-physical agents (such as TENS, laser, interferential, ultrasound, Masman)
- stretching techniques
- breathing exercises and techniques
- splinting and casting
- prescription of ergonomic and daily-living aids
What to expect from your Physiotherapy Session
Not everyone is familiar with Physiotherapy. To help you to be more comfortable about coming to see us, read more about what you can expect at your First Physio Session.
Physiotherapists are health care professionals who practice physiotherapy; they can also be called Physios.
They see a wide variety of muscle, joint and systemic disorders and are trained to provide:
- assessment
- diagnosis
- treatment
Physiotherapists are able to order X-rays and MRIs if the assessment indicates this is necessary.
Patients no longer require a doctor's referral to see a Physiotherapist (exclusions may apply - see FAQs)
Gordon Physiotherapy
All clinical staff at Gordon Physiotherapy Sports and Spinal are fully-qualified physiotherapists with a range of experience in musculoskeletal problems. They hold full current registration and are active participants in ongoing education.